Tech Dork Battles

Paul Graham & David Sacks battle, google suppresses searches, and AI written fan letters

Good afternoon LPs,

I spent all weekend getting drunk on a boat avoiding calls from founders in distress. Needless to say, it was very relaxing. Anyway, here’s what we’re going to cover in today’s newsletter:

  • Tech Dork Battles: David Sacks vs Paul Graham

  • Google Suppressing Trump?

  • AI Written Fan Letter

Let’s get into it.

Tech Dork Battles: David Sacks vs Paul Graham

Last week David Sacks, VC & host of the All-In-Podcast, got into a social media battle with Paul Graham, founder of YCombinator, which started after Graham alleged that Sacks led a coup against his former CEO. 

This is the VC equivalent of high school girls calling each other fat sluts at the lunch table. 

This is usually where one of their uglier friends calls the principal to break up the fight. But in this case the ugly friend is Jason Calacanis and the principal is MBS of Saudi Arabia. 

I prefer the days of Rockefeller and Carnegie when if you were accused of leading a coup, it meant literally overthrowing a South American government to build a banana republic.

Google Suppressing Trump?

Over the weekend Elon Musk and other tech bros alleged that Google is suppressing searches related to Donald Trump. 

After doing a quick google search of Jabroni Capital I’ve decided I completely support Google. 

Thank you Google.

Before any of you get mad, let me go on the record and say that I'm neither a democrat nor a republican. 

I believe corporations and rich people should control the government, push Americans to eat poisoned food, fight endless wars, and argue with one another over inconsequential issues like if trans-communists should be allowed to twerk in front of 9 year old’s. 

Oh wait.

AI Written Fan Letter

For the past week Google has been running an ad for their AI product Gemini, where a father asks Gemini to write a fan letter to an Olympic gold medalist on behalf of his daughter. 

On its face, this is telling children they shouldn’t learn how to read or write. 

But I wanted to see what all the fuss was about so I did a quick google search for Sydney McLaughlin, and I’ve decided I’m also a fan. 

I’m so nervous though, I’m using Gemini AI to slide into her DMs. Thank you Google for helping me craft the perfect opening line: you up? 

Personally I don’t see how this ad is a bad thing seeing as no one in America under 12 knows how to read or write. And now they don’t have to.


This is only slightly worse than I looked jumping off a boat this weekend.

That’s a value add investor right there.

How the fuck did she get a hold of this video of me??

Song of the Day

Here’s the song of the day. This is what I listened to as we irresponsibly drove a boat around a NY lake.

This is what I wear in public when I feel like a maniac.

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That’s all for this week folks,

Jack Kuveke (J.K.) | GP @ Jabroni Capital


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