I Declare War

A former VC wins gold at Olympics & X Files an antitrust lawsuit

Good morning LPs,

Today started off as a good day. I woke up, stretched, and meditated for 20 min using my new mantra ‘you will buy a Ferrari’. Then I opened up social media and saw people screaming about politics and wanted to crawl into a hole. Anyway, here’s what we’re going to cover in today’s newsletter:

  • Former VC Wins Gold Medal at Olympics

  • X Files Antitrust Lawsuit

Let’s get into it.

Former VC Wins Gold Medal at Olympics

Three years ago Kristen Faulkner left her job as a VC to become a pro-cyclist, and last week she won a gold medal at the 2024 Olympics. 

This proves my theory that any non-sociopathic person who gets a job in VC will do anything to leave the industry as quickly as possible. 

Seriously, imagine how bad working at a fund must be if you’re willing to quit your cushy six figure job, and bike until your legs feel like they’re gonna fall off for 3 years just for the slim chance that you might win a gold medal. 

Kristen is an inspiration to us all. 

Sell More w/ Sales Decks That Don’t Suck

Startup founders constantly miss out on revenue by building decks that sell their business worse than a 5 year old on Adderall. But that’s where Josh from Deckart comes in.

Deckart builds beautiful decks & sales materials that drastically increase your ability to close customers so you can avoid raising more money from braindead VCs.

I know this might come as a surprise, but the whole point of running a startup is to make fucking money. So why not invest in a deck that will increase revenue & save you weeks of headaches?

Instead of hiring 15 horrible designers off Fiver, check out Deckart to see how they can help you make an impression to your audience.

X Files Antitrust Lawsuit

On Tuesday August 6th social media platform X filed an antitrust lawsuit against advertisers claiming they were unfairly boycotting the social media platform. 

After the announcement Elon Musk posted that they were ‘going to war’, which I imagine means X employees will literally storm advertisers offices with pitchforks, torches, and plastic light sabers. 

This inspired me. I’d like to announce that I am suing the New York Yacht Club for unfairly banning me after a mild incident of public indecency. 

I didn’t buy 16 custom Armani sear-sucker suits only to be told that I can’t have 20 Aperol Spritz’s and jump into the Marina nude at 11am. 

Yacht clubs are supposed to be a place like minded spoiled rich kids, oligarchs, and tech demons can get away with sharing racists memes & promoting pump/dump scams, & showing your underwhelming genitalia to unexpecting onlookers. 

New York Yacht Club, I declare war. 


You’ll never guess the outcome here.

Optics are everything.

Lowkey this isn’t far off.

Damn the economy really has gotten bad.

Song of the Day

Here’s the song of the day. I used to listen to this every time I was brutally dumped by an unloving ex.

I kidnapped this startup founders dog and held it hostage until they let me invest in their company at a $2M valuation.

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That’s all for this week folks,

Jack Kuveke (J.K.) | GP @ Jabroni Capital


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